We invested further € 1 million in the machinery of our agricultural enterprises in Slovakia.
Welz Eco Land Holding LLC is engaged in the trade in timber and the purchase and development of agricultural and forestry land in the best regions of Europe. To this end, companies are established in the respective countries to manage the purchased property. They are 100% owned by the holding company and are strategically controlled from our headquarters in Carinthia. We currently have operations in Estonia, Slovakia and Germany.
Welz Eco Land Holding LLC is active in the timber trade and in agriculture and forestry – with operations located in the best regions in Europe for this purpose. We supply our customers with high-quality raw materials from sustainable cultivation.
You will find our operations in the most suitable regions of Europe for agriculture and forestry.
#may #einsonnigerarbeitstag
#nachhaltigeforstwirtschaft #sustainableforestmanagement #forest #forst #welzecoland
Happy Easter!🐣
#frühling #spring #welzecoland
#internationalforestday #welzecoland #nachhaltigewaldbewirtschaftung #sustainableforestmanagement
Haareis bildet sich auf Totholz. Aber nur bei Temperaturen knapp unter null Grad Celsius, Windstille und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit. Pilz namens Exidiopsis effusa verhindert die Kristallbildung.
#haareis #hairice #exidiopsiseffusa #nachhaltigeforstwirtschaft #sustainableforestmanagement #forest #forst #welzecoland #wwforestmanagement
#itswintertime #nachhaltigeforstwirtschaft #sustainableforestmanagement #forest #forst #welzecoland #wwforestmanagement
#Biomais Ernte 2022
Ein seltenes Gut dieses Jahr...
Abschluss der Biosojaernte 2022 mit unserem neuen CASE AF8250 mit MacDon FD235.
#Bioweizen mit gutem Feldaufgang.
Herbstaussaat von #Bioweizen.
Aussaat Winterweizen
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